Cognitive Assessments

Cognitive Assessments

A cognitive assessment can be provided as part of a broader psycho-educational evaluation. The findings of the evaluation are summarised in a report which provides an overview of your child’s functioning across multiple areas, and integrates direct observations with psychometric assessments and clinical interviews. Evaluation and recommendations to support your child’s executive functioning, cognition, language, social-emotional and behavioural functioning are provided.

The cognitive assessment (WISC-V) is available for ages 6-16 and useful if there are concerns regarding your child’s learning or emotional needs.

  • Cognitive strengths and weaknesses, giftedness
  • Recommendation and delivering interventions collaboratively with the school to support overall functioning of your child
  • Monitoring and evaluation of intervention
  • Please email to advise of your specific requirements.

Typically, the assessment involves

  1. An initial consultation to understand the needs, gain a broad psychosocial history involving social, academic, and behavioural domains; identify areas of focus, and answering any questions that you may have.
  2. Assessment sessions (generally 1-2 sessions required)
  3. School observations (generally 1-2 hours)
  4. Feedback session – including report